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How The Internet of Things Is Changing The Modern Home

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a concept that is seemingly everywhere nowadays in the tech world. It is having a significant effect on our lives and the way we do just about everything - from the way we monitor our homes to the way that we control the temperature of it.

Below, we will be going over some of the different ways that the Internet of Things is changing the modern home:

1. Home Automation

The biggest way it is changing our modern homes, and the way we live, is through direct home automation. Because it is allowing us the ability to control just about every aspect of our homes whether it be the lighting or the heating and air conditioning, it is making living in homes much more convenient than ever before.

This type of home automation is making a lot of things possible that never were previously. Doing just about everything is getting easier.

2. Security

Another big way that these devices have begun to change our homes is by allowing us to achieve better security. Nowadays, we are able to install smart locks, smart bulbs, and even full security systems. With internet connectivity, these allow us to tap into our systems from outside of our home networks in order to effectively monitor or control our homes while we aren't physically present.

Previously, this was not possible, and the impact of which makes our homes that much more secure. In fact, you can even turn your lights "on or off" while you are on vacation to make it look as if someone is home even if you are thousands of miles away.

Along with improvements in security systems, it is also allowing for better monitoring of things such as smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors. Because these detectors can be properly linked up with other devices in the home, it is a great way to ensure that your family is safe at all times.

3. Artificial Intelligence Voice Assistants

This is another IoT device that promises to change the way we live as well. These voice assistants are popping up everywhere and they are influencing the way that we do everything from changing the channel of the TV to playing music.

With the ability to link together different IoT devices, you can effectively utilize an A.I. voice assistant and speaker to do a variety of tasks throughout your home. This makes doing even the most simple things, that much simpler. With your voice you can change the channel, adjust the thermostat, turn on the lights, or even start brewing a pot of coffee. 

Overall, the Internet of Things has seen an evolution over the years, and there are a lot of different ways that it promises to change the way we live. The Internet of Things has transformed the way that we interact with our home and how we live in our homes much more than other aspects of our lives.

For more IoT ideas, you can take a look at this Amazon page which shows a list of current Alexa products with other unique devices. Put some of these into your new single family home from SCI Real Estate.

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